Sunday 13 May 2012

Dark Descent Colouring: First Shot

Alongside my work for 'Pasty Child,' I have also been helping out with colouring a few scenes for Miguel's 2D film 'The Dark Descent.' The film follows the story of an old man that is spending his final years on board his boat with his dog as his only companion. But a series of events causes the old man to experience traumatic flashbacks of memories that he would prefer to forget, and these flashbacks eventually overtake him completely. 
My (very) shortened version of the story doesn't do the film justice because the concept is fantastic and I'm really excited to see what the finished results will be like! Grethe is the head colourist on the film, and I would be working alongside her by helping out with some of the block-colouring of the animation that Tom is working on. Once the block colours are done, Grethe adds highlights to create more depth, and once the animation colouring is complete it is put together with the backgrounds that Miguel is putting together. So far it's all looking brilliant!
This is the first shot that Grethe handed over to me to work on. I had never used TVP before so she sat down with me and showed me which buttons and tools to use, and also gave me a special palette that had different colours for the skin and clothes of the old man. Once I felt a bit more confident Grethe let me have a go at the block colouring, and here is the first shot that I completed. I'm pretty happy with the result (although some bit do look a bit messy :s) but it feels good to have a go at something new :)

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