Whilst the main structure of the rail was drying, I constructed some tiny clothes hangers by cutting sections of thin aluminium wire and bending them into shape:
Once the clothes rail was fully set, I neatened it by cutting away any excess wood and then sprayed it with a few coats of silver spray paint to make it look metallic. However the silver was a bit too bright and it didn't go with the look of the bedroom, so I 'grudged' it up by adding dark and rusty tones to the corners and edges:
Now that the rail was complete, I could get started on making some clothes to hang on the wire hangers I made earlier. The first piece of clothing I made was a stripey long-sleeved jumper, where I cut sections of measured fabric from a children's stripey sock and then glued them together with a special fabric glue. I then made a pair of jeans, a skirt, a t-shirt and finally a tiny pair of socks (these were to go on the bedroom floor.)
Once all of the clothing was completed and attached to the wire hangers, I hung them on the finished clothes rail: Here's the final result!:
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