Tuesday 18 January 2011

Pre-Production words!

To make the pre-production project a bit more varied, we had to pick cards from four different piles, each one focusing on a specific catagory: character, setting, show and style. On each card is a certain word that relates to one of the catagories mentioned, and with these words we have to create an engaging and dynamic pre-production bible idea. We don't have to use the words in a completely literal sense, but we do have to incorporate them into each of the catagories that I mentioned earlier. The words that I received were:

Character: Astral body
Setting: Fairground
Show: Satire
Style: Alphonse mucha

I'm quite excited about this project because my drawing skills have got a tad bit rusty over the past few months and there's sill so much I need to learn about the pre-production side of animation. I'm pretty happy with these words, though its a bit tricky trying to find a way to get them all to link!

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