Oo eck I have just realised I haven't written anything about our cinematography project so far, I better get cracking!
Right, at the start of the term we started having weekly sessions with one of our tutors Frankie began to teach us how to work P2 cameras, and how to capture good footage. After we had learnt the basics we had to get into groups and were given a project where we had to create a 90 film using the P2 camera, to give us a chance to practise our new skills and teach us how to set up decent shots. I was in a group with Alice, Charlie, Laurence, Miguel, Nigel and Ryan, and after we had been given the brief we all sat down together to try and put together a plot for our film. Initially we started ut by writing any ideas that came to our heads, and this helped us form a final solid idea. We decided to go down the 'dark comedy' route and stuck to a horror theme, and came up with a storyline that follows the sleepness night of a girl who is awoken by her bedroom door slamming... startled by this noise, she gets out of bed and checks out in the hall to see if there is anyone out there. There is nothing in the hall, but the audience can see a vacuum cleaner appear behind her in the bedroom. After realising there is nothing in the hall, the girl returns to her bed. After she settles down again, she turns over sleepily, only to find the vacuum cleaner sinisterly lying next to her which makes her jump.. SCCRREEEEEAM! I was apppointed the role of the actress, which I was a bit nervous abotu because I have a tendancy to turn bright red and I cant help but laugh when I have to be serious! But luckily we all worked really well as a team and got the footage done fairly quickly, and I didn't laugh too many times! We encountered quite a few problems during filming, mainly involving the lighting. We wanted to make the footage look quite eerie so we thought it would look good filmed at night, but this proved trickier than we thought because we then had to use spotlights to create dramatic lighting which didnt work as well as we had hoped. As a result, we had to re-shoot a few shots because they looked too dark. Here are a few piccies of us in action, and also a test of some of the shots put together, the final film will be finished this week if all goes to plan! :)
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