Wednesday 2 December 2009

Finished 2D walk cycle

Wahaaay I have finally finished my 2D walk cycle woop woop! It has taken me five go's to get it looking like my own walk, and I must admit I turned into a very angry Emily at times during this week! It was really hard to make the frames took realistic because my own walk is really fast (due to my short little leggies.)
I tried drawing out lots of in between frames to make the walk smoother, but in the end it just looked too slow and sluggish. In the end I only drew out 8 finished frames, and when I put them through the line tester the speed seemed more accurate. I then inked out the outline of my animation so that the features of the figure looked like my own and finally made it into a small movie on the line tester. I am pretty pleased with the outcome of my 2D this week for once, although I could have added a couple more frames in to make the walk smoother, I do think it looks quite a lot like my own walk. Maybe I have finally improved! (fingers crossed..)

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