After umm-ing and ahh-ing about what idea to pitch for our final major project, and spending the whole summer stressing about cobbling together something spectacular, I have finally decided to go with something thats simple but sweet.
My idea is to make a short stop-motion film aimed at a younger audience, which tells the story of how a small girl rescues a vunerable seagull chick that has fallen from its nest. The main focus of the plot is on the strong bond of friendship that grows between these two characters, and highlights the emotions felt when the seagull grows too big to look after and has to be released back into the wild (I was also thinking of making the chick transforming into a giant seagull when fully grown, but it might be a bit far-fetched!)
To make the most of our rather lovely surroundings here in Falmouth, I would like the story to be set in a quaint fishing village in Cornwall, paying homage to typical Cornish scenery and hopefully capturing the charm of the South-West coast through detailed sets and quirky puppet characters.
Here are a few character and armature plans for the puppets, and a few concept drawings I did over the holidays (one of them is repeated from my last post.)
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