Friday 9 October 2009

Busy Week!

Phew this week has been pretty busy! I panicked a bit because we had a Maya introduction the other day and it looks so complicated! I guess it will take alot of practise but hopefully I will get to grips with it in the near future!!
On monday we all went to a screening of a few bafta winning animations and they were amaaazing!! There was one stop-motion film called Madame Tutli Putli which scared the living daylights out of me but it was incredibly animated and the character designs and layouts were really unusual.

We had our first history and theory of animation lecture on tuesday, it was really interesting to see all of the thoughts and ideas behind different animators' work and it was inspiring to see how far animation has evolved. We watched a few short animated films, ranging from the classic Disney 'Skeleton Dance' from 1929 and the early Felix the Cat films to a more recent and thought provoking short film by a student where she expressed her emotions about her childhood abuse. So we have been given alot of ideas and theories to think about over the next week! toodle oo for now x

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